04 December 2012

long time gone

Feels like it's been forever.

Practically has.

I mean, I can barely remember August.

Lots going on.  Which, isn't really a great excuse.  Everyone could claim the same.  But, I'm still going to use it.

We sold our house.  Looked and looked for a new one.  We moved.  To a rental.  The kids started school.  The kids were in soccer, 3 times a week, all afternoon or morning long.  Four kids in soccer is a BIG commitment.  Laundry.  Dinner.  Lunch.  Cleaning the house.  Speech for Hazel twice a week.  After school tutoring.  Chess club.  Press club.  Two work trips to Dallas.  Breakfast.  Thanksgiving.  Christmas sewing.  Birthdays x 2.

I'm sitting here racking my brain for other things I could possibly include on my list to make this long absence seem legitimate... nothing else is coming.

Anyway.  Here we are.  December.  Wow.  How did that happen?

We had a GREAT Thanksgiving.  Spent it with two of my sisters and their families.  Good times.

Lynette (sister) whipping up something amazing.  Rachel (sister) in back ground, and half of Shawn, cutting something very important to the meal.

Lynette and I working diligently, as Lynette pauses to smile for the camera.

Rachel working on some pickle dip.  Mmmm.

Turkeys.  Traditional in Anthony's (Lynette's husband) family.  Cute.  Fun.  Edible.

The little, little kids table.  You can tell how much they loved the turkeys.

A little "Just Dance" action while the dinner was still being prepped.

The meal.

Funny that you slave in the kitchen for half the day (at least), and it's gone in maybe 30 minutes.  But so worth it.  I love Thanksgiving.

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